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Javier Blanco

Barcelona, 1968

Digital Angel II, vidrio termoformado con impresión de imagen digital 3D 

Fine Arts graduate from the University of Barcelona, specializing in Sculpture, 1995. Simultaneously he studied at the Glass Center of Barcelona, and thanks to a scholarship, also at Sheridan College of Art and Design in Toronto, Canada.

After being professor at the Glass Center of Barcelona, he set up his own studio at the very center of Barcelona in 1999.

His work develops the idea of the present time by requiring the acción of the spectator or even his use, the artistic object is just a medium for the truly art, which occurs in between the object and the spectator.

“Artistic objects doesn’t exist, but artistic experiences and appropriate objects to provoke them.”

Javier Blanco

Icarus virtual flight, bronce, 30x32x16 cm
peana en mármol, 10x8x10 cm 

Aphrodite, 57 cm alto x 30 cm ancho,
bronce y piedra volcánica

Minotaure II , 38x10 cm, bronce

Serie Caganers (II), bronce y mármol

Serie Caganers (III), vidrio, pan de oro y mármol

Serie Caganers (I), 13X8 cm, bronce y mármol

Levitas VI, 30x14x12 cm, bronce (vendida/sold)

Levitas V, 30x14x12 cm, bronce, esmalte y mármol (vendida/sold)

Levitas IV,  30 x 14 x 12 cm, bronce, mármol y pan de oro (vendida/sold)

Fallen Icarus, 25 18 x 15 cm, bronce y vidrio (vendida/sold)

Black Icarus II, 25 x 15 x 10 cm, bronce y vidrio

Burning Icarus, 25 x 15 x 10 cm, bronce y vidrio

Icarus pieces, 20 x 10 x 10 cm,
bronce y mármol (vendida/sold)

Phoenix, 45 x 11 x 8 cm,
bronce y madera

Hermes IV, 38 x 10 x 8 cm,
resina pintada al óleo y mármol

Flying Icarus II, 25 x 20 x 10 cm
resina policromada al óleo y mármol azul Macauba

Bipedus II, 22 x 10 x 8 cm bronce y mármol

Bipedus III, 40 x 10 x 8 cm
resina y mármol

Splash, 20 x 10 x 10 cm resina y mármol

Serie : TYCHE - Diosa de la Fortuna - Mitos Contemporáneos

Tyche I, goddess of fortune,
18x12x6 cm, bronce, pan de oro y mármol

Tyche IV, goddess of fortune,
16 x 10 x 9 cm y bronce, pan de oro y mármol (vendida/sold)

Tyche V, goddess of fortune,
16 x 10 x 9 cm y bronce, pan de oro y mármol (vendida/sold)

Tyche VI, goddess of fortune,
16 x 25 x 9 cm, bronce, pan de oro y mármol


Little Duck (1)
Bronce y mármol negro, 12x8x8 cm

Little Duck (2)
Bronce y mármol blanco, 12x8x8 cm

Cloud II, 40 x 25 x 10 cm
resina policromada al óleo y mármol (vendida/sold)

Cloud, 42 x 20 x 14 cm, bronce y mármol (vendida/sold)

Baixada de Viladecols, 2
08002 Barcelona
(+34) 93 832 43 06

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